
The Velveting Meat Method

The Velveting Meat Method

To say I have been in love with Asian cooking since I was a child would not be exaggerating. As a teenager, I researched Chinese recipes and methods in my spare time. As soon as I could afford cooking lessons, I attended many! My favourite lessons were with an Australian Chinese food icon, Elizabeth Chong.

I learnt this method from a second hand Chinese cookbook I bought about 25 years ago. I was fascinated at how a simple process could turn meat super tender and then I adjusted the quantities to suit. I was amazed with the results!

What is the velveting method I hear you ask!

It's the process used to soften and tenderize meat before stir frying and cooking it in oil. The simple way to serve Chinese restaurant style meals at home.

There are a few ingredients that can be used but I have always used Bicarbonate Soda and water.

velveting meat method 01

Velveting Paste Recipe

Per 500 grams of meat:-
Mix 2 generous tablespoons of Bi-carbonate Soda with 2 tablespoons of cold water.

  • Slice meat in thin strips and coat with the Bi-carb paste.
  • Refrigerate for at least an hour (4 hours is ideal).
  • Rinse well under water and then pat dry.

The meat is now ready to use in a stir fry.

I use my F.Dick Red Spirit Chef Knife for all my slicing.

velveting meat method 02The Velveting Method. Meat is coated in Bi-Carb paste and water.

Once the Bi-carb paste has been rinsed off, the meat is richer in colour and ready to use.


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